TDNet Discover

Resource Specific Accounts

MyAccess Profile

NOTE: In order to create a MyAccess profile you MUST be at a standard computer WITHIN Ascension Providence (either campus).

*** If you have an OpenAthens account, you do NOT need to create an account with AccessMedicine to access this resource remotely., though you do need one to use certain features, such as study tools ***

From the library's web site go to the Quick Links box and click on AccessMedicine.  Alternatively, you can go to their web site directly by using the following link:

Click on the Sign In link, then chose Sign In or Create a MyAccess Profile.

From the Pop Up window select the Create a Free MyAccess Profile button.

Complete the profile as instructed and when finished select the Create Profile button.

Alternatively, once you click on the Sign In link, you can chose the Sign in via OpenAthens link.  If you do not have an OpenAthens account fill out and send in the OpenAthens request form.

MedOne Plus

NOTE: In order to create a MedOne Neurosurgery Account you MUST be at a standard computer WITHIN Ascension Providence (either campus).

